Our product range of 100% environmentally friendly, biodegradable products for the treatment of organic waste and waste water.


Free-Flowing Urinal Valve

Sit pharetra volutpat tristique morbi sed vitae, suspendisse morbi aliquet sapien vitae ut enim donec ut nunc, diam aliquet scelerisque scelerisque odio nunc non.


Free Flow Fat Trap Tablets

Free Flo™ Tablets are dramatically effective for breaking up fat found inside kitchen drains and outflow pipes


Fatcracker Liquid​

A multi purpose kitchen cleaner that digests fats and is 99% biodegradeable. Fatcracker LiquidTM is a unique 2 in 1 formula with a hand softener.


Bio-Enzyme Granules For Septic Tank

This simple septic tank bacteria treatment not only reduces odors in septic tank system, it prevents the septic tank and soak away from blocking up.


Pong Gone Portaloo Treatment

Pong Gone is applied to the top tank of portable toilets. As the unit is flushed it releases a pleasant smell as it flows to the receiving tank.


Bio-Enzyme Granules For Pit Toilets​

Double Action Bio-Enzyme Granules are a blend of freeze-dried bacteria and enzymes specially formulated to rapidly digest organic waste, reduce bad odours and the fly population found in and around pit toilets and latrines.



Soltose is a animal pre-biotic nutrition product designed to control salmonellae and replace antibiotics and drugs in animal feeds.



Over-powering ammonia gas is known to cause respiratory problems in pigs. Sannisty will reduce these problems and the pig mortality rates.